Khamira ar daith / On Tour September 2023
Khamira will be touring Wales again in September - and one gig in Oxford! Come out and say hi!

Khamira at the Lost ARC
Khamira had an amazing performance in mid-Wales at the Lost ARC, Rhayader - one of the best venues in Wales for live music without a...

Chapter Sell Out
Khamira finished out tour of Wales with a Sell Out show at Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff. With special performances from our guest...

Khamira at the India Centre
Had a wonderful visit to the India Centre in Splott, Cardiff. Great to revisit again since our last time in January 2020 and catch up...

Khamira Tour
Bydd Khamira yn teithio Cymru 5-11fed o Fedi! Khamira will be touring Wales! 5th-11th September! Come out and say hi!

Khamira Undod/Unity
Bydd CD newydd Khamira 'Undod/Unity' yn cael ei ryddhau ym mis Medi 2022 ar label Tŷ Cerdd. Rhag-archebwch gopi yma: Khamira's new CD...
Rhaglen Jazz Nadolig / Christmas Jazz Show
Bydd gen i raglen jazz ar BBC Radio Cymru ar Ddydd Nadolig 4pm-6pm, yn chware dwy awr o 'jazz carols' a caneuon Nadoligaidd. Gallwch...

Khamira will be meeting again in Cardiff, Wales in January 2020. We'll be taking a Masterclass at the RWCMD (Royal Welsh College of Music...

Wales Arts Review - South Korea tour
Nes i ysgrifennu dyddiadur am ein taith i Dde Korea Our friends at 'Wales Arts Review' asked for a piece on our recent tour of South...

South Korea Day 3
Ymlaen i Gwangju a perfformio yn yr ACC World Music Festival heddiw! Another 4 hour bus journey from Ulsan to Gwang-ju on the Western...